Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The different influences which impact on the reform of unlawful Essay

The different influences which impact on the reform of unlawful conduct - Essay Example By definition, unlawful conduct refers to any action that can be identified as contrary to, or forbidden by the law (The W100 team, 2011). This definition covers both criminal and civil unlawful behavior. In criminal law, the litigation is always brought forward by a specific prosecutor -the state (in the name of the Crown). However, in civil cases, the circumstances are a different in that, the lawsuit can be initiated by any legal private party who is normally referred to as the claimant. The task of bringing collecting and presenting proof against the defendant rests squarely on the shoulders of the claimant (Samaha, 2012). The W100 team (2011) posits that in order to determine unlawful conduct, it is paramount that sufficient proof is produced placing the particular party at fault so that relevant action may be taken. Without doing this, no legal action can be taken against either party. It is very important to analyze in depth the factors which influence why any conduct should b e considered unlawful. Technological development plays a very significant role in this. Issues to do with copyright infringement and intellectual property are constantly changing and so reforms need to be carried out from time to time regarding the same. Social climate also determines a lot in influencing reform. Changing times affect what laws are made and implemented. A perfect example is cited whereby during the Shakespearean period, it would be perfectly legal for a girl of 13 and a boy of 18 to get married. However under the current laws of Wales and England, this would be unlawful conduct because 16 is the minimum age for marriage (The W100 team, (2011). Worth noting here is that not all rules of social morality are considered unlawful. Differences in social values in different countries may to some level dictate the differences in laws. Protecting individuals and society from harm is a very important factor that influences reform. The activities classified as unlawful for thi s reason are usually seen to cause direct harm to those engaging in them or to the society at large. For example, the possession of cannabis is considered unlawful. However, the legality of this situation may change in the circumstance whereby the cannabis is prescribed by a physician to be used for medicinal purposes. It is inevitable that social morality will sometimes influence the lawful or unlawful nature of an act. Economic reasons also come into play in matters of legislation. Borrowing items without someone’s consent may be considered unlawful in some societies whereas it is perfectly legal to do so in others, provided the items are returned. These are societies where ownership of property is more communal as opposed to where private ownership is prioritized. In some cases, the economic effect of a person’s action is actual ground for determining whether an action is unlawful or not. The array of factors mentioned above clearly indicates the complexity of defin ing conduct as unlawful or otherwise. Some activities that are considered to be out rightly immoral and antisocial do not necessarily warrant them to be earmarked as unlawful. Parliament plays a big role in reform and determining unlawful conduct. It represents the democratic will of the people. Pressure from the public and the media has been seen to work on many occasions in contentious issues regarding legislation, therefore making parliament one of the most direct ways of reform on unlawful conduct. Despite the judiciary not being primarily concerned with law reforms, it is involved in identifying anomalies in the law and calling for relevant amendments to be made on the same (The W100 team, 2011). The truth of the matter is that the judiciary has a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Johnny Depp - A Philosopher Among Actors Essay Example for Free

Johnny Depp A Philosopher Among Actors Essay If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. In simple terms, this quote is referring to those who do not conform to the standards placed on them by their culture or subculture. In Hollywood, the way one becomes an A-List actor is by conforming to the Hollywood system: take the roles that provide the largest paychecks. Ben Affleck did not become a superstar celebrity by following his passion; Reindeer Games and Gigli are perfect examples of that. However, there is one actor who has consistently chosen his own roles, much to the dismay of his agent, based solely on his interest in the character he will portray. This actor has never taken a role that he did not feel passionate about, regardless of the flack he received from critics or the general public, and he is now one of Hollywoods finest. Johnny Depp stands out from the crowd because rather than conforming to the Hollywood standard he has become an A-List actor by following his own muse, or walking to the beat of a different drummer. A perfect example of Johnny Depps passion for his work is his starring role in the movie, Ed Wood, about Ed Wood, a filmmaker best known for making bad movies. It sounds ironic, but Johnny was insistent that this was a great movie. Despite, at the height of his career, being told that making this movie would ruin his professional image, he pursued the role. The movie was made, and it went on to win an Academy Award. Another example of Johnny Depps dedication is the movie Once Upon A Time In Mexico filmed in the heat of the summer of 2002. Because he wanted this role, Johnny agreed to film for seven consecutive days at 12-16 hours per day! A typical A-List actor will, under no circumstances, work for more than 8 hours per shooting day. Other movies that Depp was warned not to do, which went on to become successful were: Edward Scissorhands, Dead Man, Whats Eating Gilbert Grape, and Pirates of the Caribbean, for which he is nominated for Best Actor at the Academy Awards this year. Johnny Depp is renowned for his choice of movie roles. He does not simply work for the paycheck; he is truly pursuing his passion, and he has done it  quite successfully. Roger Ebert, a well-known film critic, has called Depp a modern Thoreau a philosopher among actors. At the 76th Annual Academy Awards, Johnny Depp was recognized specifically for his success in taking part in only films that he truly wanted to be a part of. Considering the standards that the industry places on actors, the fact that Johnny Depp has not sold out and taken a role simply for the money, is an admirable quality. If everyone possessed such commitment in their work, and more so, such conviction, life would be much more enjoyable to live.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reasons to support thesis Essay -- essays papers

Reasons to support thesis First of all, we will consider the very word motivation. Motivation can be defined as an incentive. When we discuss students having the motivation to learn, we may consider them having the incentive to learn. Do students today have the incentive to learn? Many people claim that they do not and that the lack of motivation is increasingly becoming worse and worse in today’s society. The belief that society has unknowingly created for today’s students is that there is a separation between education that is taught in schools and that which is learned outside of schools. Children view these things as two different worlds. There is the school world, and the real world. Many children tend to believe that the things they learn in the school world will not affect them in the real world and are therefore have no motivation to learn in school. â€Å"When kids are not engaged, not only do they fail to learn, they also tend to become bored and restless† (Wolk, R.). This boredom and restlessness has serious potential for many kids to lead to a lack of motivation. Obviously, it is very important for a student to remain focused in order to maintain motivation; yet, not all of the responsibility relies on the child. Teachers have a huge responsibility in making sure that every student in their class is working to their individual potential and that each child is engaged in the material and is benefiting from this learning experience. Educators sometimes find it difficult to develop such a strong teacher-student relationship with each child but studies have shown that the more the teacher is involved, the more motivated students will become. There are many different elements involved in making a child feel a... ... from Academic Search Premier. Johnson, Ronnie, Lamb, Dean. (1994). Motivating students to learn. Vocational Education Journal. Vol. 69. Issue 2. Morganett, Lee. (1991). Good teacher-student relationships: A key element in classroom motivation and management. EBSCOhost Education. Vol. 112. Issue 2. pg. 265. 5p. Retrieved on 4/22/04 from Academic Search Premier. Schroeder, K. (1992). Motivating students. Education Digest. Vol. 58. Issue 3. Atherely, M. (1992). Motivating students to learn. PageWise, Inc. Retrieved on 4/24/04 from Gershaw, D. (1989). A line on life: Motivating students to learn. Teaching of Psychology. Pg. 86-88. Davis. B. (1993). Motivating students. Tools for Teaching. Josey-Bass Publishers. Retrieved on 4/22/04 from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hepatitis C Virus

With the WHO goal of HCV elimination seeming more achievable with the new DAA therapy, nurses are uniquely positioned to be the final and vital spoke to get the machine running efficiently. History has shown that nurse led programs in HIV treatment were successful and many developed and developing countries have adopted nurse led models in the fight against HIV. Nurses have the education to be a useful ammunition in the fight against HCV infection. Nurse led programs can be a cost effective alternative and also help to decentralize HCV care and improve access. Certainly, progress in HCV care has been appreciable. Nurses have been integrated into the system in novel ways and numerous studies have shown that the effect is an improved rate of recognition of the infection, treatment uptake and adherence and achievement of sustained virologic response (SVR). Nurse are currently supporting physicians in treating HCV patients. Yet, this is not enough in bringing about any observable change in the epidemic of HCV. With the shortage of physicians and specialists, it is imperative to bring about policy changes that will allow nurses to treat HCV. What is lacking is the involvement of nurse practitioners (NPs). This is the age of DAA and no time has been better than today in involving NPs in the fight against HCV by giving them prescribing authority for DAA. Study conducted in United States (US) showed similar treatment outcomes for HCV infected patients with care by NPs, PCPs and specialists (Sarah et al, 2017) concluding that HCV treatment provided by NPs was as safe as that provided by specialists. An Australian study (Lloyd et al, 2013) conducted between 2009 to 2010 utilizing a nurse led program in prisons with specialist supervision via telemedicine also showed safe and effective HCV treatment outcomes. The newer regimens of DAA which have lesser adverse effects can be easily prescribed by nurse practitioners who have the relevant education and experience. NPs in Australia have already been given the authority to prescribe DAA (Gastroenterology Society, 2017), and US and Canada can take important lessons from the success of this policy change. Nurse practitioners working in nurse led models in prisons, rural areas, and with hard to reach groups like PWID can bridge the gap due to non-availability of specialists.Expanding the scope of practice of NPs is especially relevant today in order to improve uptake of high risk groups into treatment. PWID have a high prevalence of HCV (systematic review 60 – 80% of IDUs in 25 countries had anti HCV while >80% IDUs had anti HCV in 12 countries ) and are the core group of transmitters. Treatment uptake is low in this group and yet the success of HCV programs is not going to be substantial if issues of HCV detection and treatment in PWID are not addressed effectively. PWID have many barriers to accessing health care, including but not limited to criminalization, poverty, mental health issues, addiction related issues, stigma and marginalization. But they are more likely to be engaged with community level health care providers like primary care physicians and nurses (Milne et al, 2015) in low threshold settings where they do not have fear of stigma or criminalization. Expanding the role of NPs to improve capacity to provide HCV care in these settings will lead to shorter wait times, improve information sharing with patients, advance engagement with the health care team and deliver better treatment outcomes. Prison environments have a huge concentration of HCV infected inmates. 24% of federal prisoners and 23% of provincial prisoners were positive for HCV antibody (Trubnikov 2011). Prisoners are at high risk of passing on the infection due to sharing of drug paraphernalia and are able to spread the infection once out in the community. Rural and remote areas also have disproportionate allocation of health services putting those living in these areas in the demographic of marginalized. Patients are less likely to travel large distances to start and complete treatment. Nurse led models in these two settings are urgently needed to improve HCV care. Nurse led model: a protocol based treatment program can be developed and tailored to cater to the needs of specific populations in community care clinics, OST centers, prisons, rural/ remote areas. The protocol can include relevant history taking, clinical assessment, investigations including the nurse performing transient elastography and triaging patients to determine the risk of each patient. Based on this the nurse would either start treatment, do a one on one consultation with the physician or refer the patient to consult with the physician using telemedicine. Follow up assessments should be conducted and referred for any adverse effects. In prison environments, patients who are released before the end of treatment should be referred to the community center and appropriate continuation of care must be in place. With shorter DAA regimens and better tolerated drugs, more number of prisoners may be offered HCV treatment and more number of inmates may be motivated to complete treatment upon release. Future research should focus on impact of nurses in protocol driven treatment of HCV, nurses dong fibro scan as compared to physicians, efficacy of DOTs therapy in HCV for those populations with adherence issues. Increased funding for specialty education for nurses in viral hepatitis to improve HCV care would definitely improve capacity in the fight against HCV. Lack of treatment for the marginalized is unfair and inexcusable. Nurse led programs in HIV care provided improved outcomes in all indicators and is evidence that they will be crucial in the war against HCV. Nurse practitioners need to rise to the challenge and advocate for better patient care among those affected with HCV by demanding prescribing authority for DAAs. Nurse led model in HCV care is an effective strategy to attain the WHO goal of elimination of HCV by 2030.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advantages of Internet for Students

Advantages Of Internet For Students Nevertheless, students and teachers have experienced following 10 advantages of Internet. 1. Assortment of Information Lots of information of different kinds is kept on the web server on the Net. This means that millions web sites include various data in the shape of images and text. On every subject of the planet information can be easily collected by you. For this function, special sites, called search engines can be found on the Internet to search data of each and every subject of the planet. . Online Medical Guidance Several web sites will also be on the Web to obtain details about various conditions. You are able to consult with a cell of on-line physicians to obtain guidance about any medical problem. In addition, lots of material can also be on the Web for research in medical industry. 3. Looking for Jobs You are able to search various kinds of jobs throughout their vacant vacancies are advertised by the world, Most of the organizations/depa rtments around the world, on the web.The search engines will also be employed to search the jobs on the web. You are able to make an application for the necessary work through the Web. 4. Communication You are able to keep in touch with other through Internet all over the world. You could speak by seeing to 1 another; only you’re speaking with your pals in your drawing room. For this function, various services are supplied on the Internet such as; speaking, video conferencing, Email and Internet telephone an such like. 5. InformationThe Web enables students to see the most recent news on a particular topic they’re learning. If they’re learning American politics they may do an information search and discover what is happening on the planet of politics at that very time. It will help them link what they’re understanding how to real life. Additionally, it may keep them thinking about a topic. 6. Online Training The facility is provided by the internet to obt ain an online training. Several web sites of different colleges offer lessons and classes on different subjects or subjects.You may also obtain these classes or lessons in your personal computer. You are able to hear these classes repeatedly and obtain a large amount of understanding. It’s very simple and cheap method to get training. 7. Encyclopedia Occasionally, encyclopedia mightn’t constantly be accessible to individuals and so they might have trouble with in getting the use of the actual guides within the selection. If that’s the case, the encyclopedia of various topics on the Web could be useful. 8. Online Railway and Airplane SchedulesToday, railway and several Airline businesses offer their timing of trains and routes respectively on the web. 9. Online Results Today, all of the training boards and colleges present result on the web. Their results can be watched by the students from any kind of nation or world. 10. Advertisement Today, products are advert ised by most of the commercial organizations through Internet. It’s effective and inexpensive method for the marketing of goods. The services and products could be given lovely and attractive method to the people round the world.