Thursday, December 26, 2019

Porters Five Forces of Fast Food Industry - 2785 Words

Innovative Integrated Management System (IIMS) for Sustainable Food Industry Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prasert Suttiprasit Director of The Centre for Standards and Quality Development of Production and Services Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand Tel. +668-1346-9000 Email. ABSTRACT It is evident that the long-term survival and growth of global food industry depend on the availability and efficient use of raw materials, energy and water and other facilities under the concept of sustainable practice, i.e. in environment, society and economics. Quality and safety managements are essential to ensure that the industry can continue to support the communities in which it operates. Awarding†¦show more content†¦The common one for all nations in general format was adopted and revised by the Codex Alimentarius commission of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program in 1997 and amended thereafter in 1999 and lately in 2003. The quality management system standard, i.e. ISO 9000 has been implemented to control the food production process purposing to ensure the quality food products. Later on the majority of European, U.S. and other global retailers, and brand owners will only consider business with suppliers who have gained certification to the appropriate reta ilers’ standard such as SQF 2000, BRC, IFS and GFSI. In order to meet the global needs and expectations described above, most food companies in the earlier days implemented each standard (ISO 9001, GMP/GHP and HACCP, and other standards such as BRC and ISO 22000) separately. Hence, the resource requirement particularly human resource was somewhat very high. Too much documents and records had to be formulated and controlled. To resolve this problem, there have to be an integrated approach that will be imperative for organizations to have flexibility in their systems’ design and management in the range of disciplines covering all standards in which they have to implement. Besides, the new integrated approaches have to be flexible andShow MoreRelatedPorter s Five Forces Theory Essay1426 Words   |  6 Pagesglobalization era, businesses around the world develop in a really fast pace. The competition within an industry usually tough and it has its own pattern that could be difficult to understand by the new comer. Therefore, ch ances for new businesses to grow will be low if they are not analyzing the environment of the industry. One of the most common theory to analyzing forces of competition in an industry is Porter’s Five Forces theory. 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Since then it has been important for McDonalds to continually monitor its performance, to make sure it is competitiveRead MoreCompetitive Forces That Shaped Business Strategy1469 Words   |  6 PagesBackground Information In 1979, Michael E. Porter published an article on the competitive forces that shaped business strategy (Prasad Warrier, 2016). From then on, people named the model as Porter’s Five Forces. Most use Porter’s Five Forces to determine an industry’s structure and its potential profit, opportunity, and risk based on the competitive forces that are affecting it (Porter, 2008). There are five competitive forces in Porter’s model. The first one is the competitive rivalry among existingRead MoreThe Framework Developed By Michael Porter999 Words   |  4 PagesThe Five Forces Model The framework developed by Michael Porter, which identify and analyze the competitive landscape in an industry that impacted by five forces. These forces are the existing competition in the industry, threat of new entrants, the power of suppliers, the power of buyers, and the threat of substitutes. The model helps to determine the profitability of an industry and create a competitive strategy for the business. If the five forces in an industry are strong, this industry willRead MoreBharti Walmart 5 Forces1294 Words   |  6 PagesQ1. Analyze the retail scenario in India in terms of Porter’s Five Forces and investigate the growth across different segments of retailing. Ans: Indian Retail Scenario in terms of Porter Five Forces Porter in 1974 has given â€Å"Five Forces† model to assess the industry environment. Five forces of Porter model which determine effectiveness of any Industry are: 1. Barriers to Entry 2. Bargaining Power of Buyers 3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4. Threat of Substitutes 5. Rivalry

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Homeschooling Is Inferior to Public Schooling Essay

â€Å"Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource† John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA. An estimated 4 million children are currently home schooled with a 15-20% yearly growth rate. According to a California study by researcher Dr. Brian [D.] Ray, 92 percent of school superintendents believe that home learners are emotionally unstable, deprived of proper social development and too judgmental of the world around them. The latest claim against home schooling suggests that home schoolers are potential child abusers. Mr. Ron Barnard, a Holly High School teacher says that he would prefer public schooling for his children because of†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"You take each student from where they are and provided experiences that will maximize success† (Qualities of a good Teacher). On the other hand, there are no requirements stating that parents doing home schooling have to be trained, experienced, certified or evaluated; or have any particular qualifications, parents who have graduated high school can home school their child. Home schooled parents argue t hat they can invest more time and energy into their child’s education, but in reality, a parent can educate their children at home with just a high school degree. Their inexperience harms the child more than their attempt to help. As well as educated teachers, public schools also provide a development of adapting to a more diverse environment and instill a stimulation to learn. Public schooling establishes a diverse atmosphere and stimulation for students to succeed. Student’s need more stimulation than any one parent can provide for their child. â€Å"Home schooling does not encourage and facilitate children to make peer relationships. In both public and private schools, children have the benefit of being grouped together in classes and activities, and in turn, they have an opportunity to get to know one another. Home school lacks this type of environment and can retard a child’s social growth† (Home Schooling – The Benefits of Learning atShow MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Homeschooling1182 Words   |  5 PagesHomeschooling has long been an alternate method for parents to educate their children. Homeschooling is a method where a child is being schooled at home by their parents, relatives or private tutors to educate their children from pre-k to 12th grade. Basically their whole childhood to their early adulthood. Homeschooli ng should be avoided by parents because it can cause their children to have a difficult time integrating into society because they have extremely limited interaction with their ownRead MoreFair and Balance: The Education Cutbacks858 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussing. I have only known of one family since coming to Oak Harbor that has chosen to home school their child. He is fifteen years old and from what I can tell, he has always been Homeschooled, instead of attending public school and I can understand why they have. Homeschooling offers a true one-on-one environment where if the parent sticks to the syllabus and curriculum, there should not be any issue. This is the second school year that my youngest son has been with me (he was with me for hisRead MoreHomeschooling And A Traditional Public Education1819 Words   |  8 Pagesare homeschooling or a traditional public education. While there are a few options, the choice has to be assessed properly. The dilemmas placed before parents are the lack of knowledge for an education taught within a home setting or the lack of a proper environment within a traditional school setting. There are many facets of homeschooling that people may not know. In order to understand the concept of homeschooling, it is important to define the term and point out its origin. Homeschooling is aRead More home school Essay examples2427 Words   |  10 Pages Home schooling is another way for a child to receive his or her education. It is one of many alternatives to regular schooling (classrooms and schools). It is the oldest alternatives to regular schooling and one of the most effective. There are many true stories proving that home schooling is an effective and often successful way to teach you child. But first lets talk about home schooling began in the U.S. Home schooling started in colonial America, (around 1777 to 1783) for most colonial homesRead MoreGender Norms And Stereotypes Gendered Identities1167 Words   |  5 Pagesreinforce gendered identities and constrain the behaviour of women and men in ways that lead to inequality. ¨ Some factors lead to discrimination such as â€Å"a lack of legal rights and very little independence from their husbands, to being thought to have inferior brains.† Lack of education available or allowed to women has stemmed from the lack of respect and mistreatment of young girls and women in the Middle East, Africa and the Asian Pacific. Raden Ajeng Kartini was the national heroine for women’s rights

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Thyestes monologue from the play by Seneca Essay Example For Students

Thyestes monologue from the play by Seneca Essay A monologue from the play by Seneca NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Seneca\s Tragedy, v. ii. Trans. Frank Justus Miller. New York: G.P. Putnam\s Sons, 1917. THE FURY: Onward, damned shade, and goad thy sinful house to madness. Let there be rivalry in guilt of every kind; let the sword be drawn on this side and on that; let their passions know no bounds, no shame; let blind fury prick on their souls; heartless be parents\ rage, and to children\s children let the long trail of sin lead down; let time be given to none to hate old sinsever let new arise, many in one, and let crime, e\en midst its punishment, increase. From haughty brothers\ hands let kingdoms fall, and in turn let them call back the fugitives; let the wavering fortune of a home of violence midst changing kings totter to its fall; from power to wretchedness, from wretchedness to powermay this befall, and may chance with her ever-restless waves bear the kingdom on. For crimes\ sake exiled, when God shall bring them home, to crime may they return, and may they be as hateful to all men as to themselves; let there be naught which passion deems unallowed; let brother fear brother, father fear son, and son father; let children vilely perish and be yet more vilely born; let a murderous wife lift hand against her husband, let wars pass over seas, let streaming blood drench every land, and over the mighty chiefs of earth let Lust exult, triumphant. In this sin-stained house let shameful defilement be a trivial thing; let fraternal sanctity and faith and every right be trampled under foot. By our sins let not heaven be untaintedwhy do the stars glitter in the sky? Why do their fires preserve the glory due the world? Let the face of night be changed, let day fall from heaven. Embroil thy household gods, summon up hatred, slaughter, death, and fill the whole house with Tantalus. Adorn the lofty pillar and with laurel let the festal doors be green; let torches worthy of thine approach shine forththen let the Thracian crime be done with greater number. Why is the uncle\s hand inactive? Not yet does Thyestes bewail his sonsand when will he lift his hand? Now set o\er the flames let cauldrons foam; let the rent members one by one pass in; let the ancestral hearth be stained with blood, let the feast be spreadto no novel feast of crime wilt come as banqueter. To-day have we made thee free, have loosed thy hunger to the banquet yonder; go, feed full thy fasting, and let blood, with wine commingled, be drunk before thine eyes. I have found feast which thou thyself wouldst fleebut stay! Whither dost thou headlong rush?

Monday, December 2, 2019

St. AnselmS Ontological Argument For The Experience Of God. Ess

St. AnselmS Ontological Argument For The Experience Of God. Gods existence may vary from philosopher to philosopher, but according to the late St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury there was absolutely no doubt that Gods presence is certain, and yet the philosopher desires the understanding of faith. As stated; if god cannot be thought to exist, then whomever which may be conceived, only a fool would believe that he God does not exist. Only a fool says from his or her heart there is no God, was the largest idea discussed in the presentation quoted by Anselm. It is one thing for an object to be in the understanding, and another to understand that objects exist, he both, has it in has understanding and he understands that it exists because he has made it. There is not a doubt that there exists a being, than which nothing greater can be conceived. And it exists both in the understanding and in reality, then, so truly than a being which nothing greater can be conceived to exist, our God? If a mind could conceive of a being better then thee, the creature would rise above the Creator; and this is absurd. God can be conceived to not exist; but in the later, not at all. For example, no one who understands what God is can conceive that God does exist; God is that than which a greater cannot be conceived. The nonexistence of that than which a greater cannot be conceived is inconceivable. Gaunilos argumentative criticism claims that in the dual existence, with understanding and in reality, for this reason it must exist. For if it does not exist, any lord who really exists will be more excellent than God. If man should try to prove to that his existence should no longer be doubted and me by such reasoning that God exists, for he ought to show first that the hypothetical excellence of God exists as a real and indubitable being or spirit, or one whose existence is uncertain in our understanding. basic writings of st. aslemn Philosophy