Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Homeschooling Is Inferior to Public Schooling Essay

â€Å"Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource† John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA. An estimated 4 million children are currently home schooled with a 15-20% yearly growth rate. According to a California study by researcher Dr. Brian [D.] Ray, 92 percent of school superintendents believe that home learners are emotionally unstable, deprived of proper social development and too judgmental of the world around them. The latest claim against home schooling suggests that home schoolers are potential child abusers. Mr. Ron Barnard, a Holly High School teacher says that he would prefer public schooling for his children because of†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"You take each student from where they are and provided experiences that will maximize success† (Qualities of a good Teacher). On the other hand, there are no requirements stating that parents doing home schooling have to be trained, experienced, certified or evaluated; or have any particular qualifications, parents who have graduated high school can home school their child. Home schooled parents argue t hat they can invest more time and energy into their child’s education, but in reality, a parent can educate their children at home with just a high school degree. Their inexperience harms the child more than their attempt to help. As well as educated teachers, public schools also provide a development of adapting to a more diverse environment and instill a stimulation to learn. Public schooling establishes a diverse atmosphere and stimulation for students to succeed. Student’s need more stimulation than any one parent can provide for their child. â€Å"Home schooling does not encourage and facilitate children to make peer relationships. In both public and private schools, children have the benefit of being grouped together in classes and activities, and in turn, they have an opportunity to get to know one another. Home school lacks this type of environment and can retard a child’s social growth† (Home Schooling – The Benefits of Learning atShow MoreRelatedThe Pros and Cons of Homeschooling1182 Words   |  5 PagesHomeschooling has long been an alternate method for parents to educate their children. Homeschooling is a method where a child is being schooled at home by their parents, relatives or private tutors to educate their children from pre-k to 12th grade. Basically their whole childhood to their early adulthood. Homeschooli ng should be avoided by parents because it can cause their children to have a difficult time integrating into society because they have extremely limited interaction with their ownRead MoreFair and Balance: The Education Cutbacks858 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussing. I have only known of one family since coming to Oak Harbor that has chosen to home school their child. He is fifteen years old and from what I can tell, he has always been Homeschooled, instead of attending public school and I can understand why they have. Homeschooling offers a true one-on-one environment where if the parent sticks to the syllabus and curriculum, there should not be any issue. This is the second school year that my youngest son has been with me (he was with me for hisRead MoreHomeschooling And A Traditional Public Education1819 Words   |  8 Pagesare homeschooling or a traditional public education. While there are a few options, the choice has to be assessed properly. The dilemmas placed before parents are the lack of knowledge for an education taught within a home setting or the lack of a proper environment within a traditional school setting. There are many facets of homeschooling that people may not know. In order to understand the concept of homeschooling, it is important to define the term and point out its origin. Homeschooling is aRead More home school Essay examples2427 Words   |  10 Pages Home schooling is another way for a child to receive his or her education. It is one of many alternatives to regular schooling (classrooms and schools). It is the oldest alternatives to regular schooling and one of the most effective. There are many true stories proving that home schooling is an effective and often successful way to teach you child. But first lets talk about home schooling began in the U.S. Home schooling started in colonial America, (around 1777 to 1783) for most colonial homesRead MoreGender Norms And Stereotypes Gendered Identities1167 Words   |  5 Pagesreinforce gendered identities and constrain the behaviour of women and men in ways that lead to inequality. ¨ Some factors lead to discrimination such as â€Å"a lack of legal rights and very little independence from their husbands, to being thought to have inferior brains.† Lack of education available or allowed to women has stemmed from the lack of respect and mistreatment of young girls and women in the Middle East, Africa and the Asian Pacific. Raden Ajeng Kartini was the national heroine for women’s rights

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