Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie Dracula Essay - 1191 Words

Driving Me Batty When someone mentions old school horror most people s thoughts go to some of the many horror movies from the 70 s and 80 s that are considered greatly as classics; however, does anyone ever think about the true originals from the beginning of the horror genre itself? I have always loved horror so I decided to explore deeper into what the real original classics were like. I was very eager to see what type of production went into the old horror films. I decided I would watch one of the original vampire movies: Nosferatsu 1922. The movie was adapted from the urban legends about vampires, along with, Bram Stoker s Novel: Dracula. I had never watched any horror movies as old as this one before and thought this would be an interesting new observation, especially seeing as Noferatsu is a silent film. I knew it would be very different from the other horror movies I had viewed in the past, but I did not expect what I noticed throughout the film. To shortly summarize what the movie was about here is simple plot description. Noseratsu was about a man named Hutter going to attempt to sell property to someone who lived in a castle, in the city of Transylvania. The man who lived in the castle was known as Count Orlok. On the way to the spooky looking castle, Hutter stayed at a small inn for the night and found a book about vampire lore. Vampires being called Noferatsus. Hutter was full of disbelief and found it quite humorous that there would be such aShow MoreRelatedFilm Adaptation Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1320 Words   |  6 Pagesfrightening tale of Count Dracula has struck horror into the hearts of many since it was originally penned. In 1987, Bram Stoker wrote the revolutionary tale Dracula that played off the fears of the people of the era. The plot and characters that make the novel great also translate nearly perfectly to cinematic adaptations. 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